Incredible Raise of Telegram
As of August 31, 2021, Telegram had already received 1 billion user downloads, making it the 15th app worldwide to reach this milestone. India accounts for 22% of all Telegram downloads, while Russia and Indonesia come in at 10% and 8%, respectively.
How does telegram makes money ?
Okay, if Telegram is giving this many features to people for free, how is that possible? And how does it run its company without selling Ads?Telegram does not currently generate revenue, although it has plans to launch freemium features in the near future. A botched attempt to launch a cryptocurrency was halted by the SEC in 2019, and Telegram has not attempted to relaunch it. No valuation figure was disclosed in either of the firm’s two funding rounds. This will likely be the case once the firm decides to go public. According to Crunchbase, Telegram has raised $2.7 billion across two rounds of debt and venture funding.
What is USP for Telegram
When WhatsApp decided to launch ads for WhatsApp and share data with their business partners, it received a lot of criticism. On the other hand, people are protesting the ban on Telegram. Bro, what you are saying People are protesting because of the possible banning of an app, which is how that could happen. What exactly does that app do for people?
Telegram’s improved utilisation of the cloud is the cause of this. In essence, it keeps all of your communications and images on a safe server. In comparison to other chat apps like WhatsApp, Telegram is considerably more multi-platform friendly because you can access them from any connected device. Usernames are yet another security element.
In one word "Privacy"
Take away
The answer is more privacy than WhatsApp. Why, bro, what do you mean by “more privacy” than what, so that telegram is not 100% safe?. Yes, none of the apps are perfect; each has its own flaws.